座禅Zen sitting meditation
Zen sitting meditation

Zen sitting meditation

坐禅 (ざぜん)、独坐(どくざ)とは、仏教で姿勢を正して坐った状態で精神統一(瞑想)を行う、禅宗の基本的な修行法。「坐」が正式だが当用漢字から外れたため座禅とも書く。対比して、歩きながらの瞑想は経行という。釈迦は座禅によって、五蘊の無常を深く理解すると説いている。
Zazen, or sitting alone, is a basic training method in Zen Buddhism that involves unifying the mind (meditation) while sitting with the correct posture. The official kanji for ‘‘za” is 坐, but it is also written as座 because坐 is no longer a commonly used kanji. On the other hand, meditation while walking is called Kyogyo (Walking Meditation). Buddha taught that through zazen meditation, people deeply understand the impermanence of the five aggregates.

 体験場所 Experience location ■ 虎渓山永保寺 Kokeizan Eihoji Temple